A wedding fit for a rodeo princess cowgirl
All isn’t gold in Golden Valley, but if social media and an over-the-top Wild West wedding can change that this Christmas, she’s #doingthis.
Aspiring social media influencer Lindy Sutton didn’t know what she was getting into when her great-aunt convinced her to promote Golden Valley’s new conference center as a wedding venue. The rural Montana town is dying, and if splashing an absurd rodeo princess dream wedding all over the internet will help save it, Lindy will give it a shot. It might be ridiculous, or it might go viral!
Sheriff Wyatt West knows they need to bring in money and jobs, but he loves Golden Valley the way it is. When a vivacious city girl comes blazing into town with her overpriced coffee and camera in hand, can you blame him for resisting her crazy ideas?
Getting these two on the same page seems impossible until someone tries to sabotage their project and the pair must team up to identify the culprits. Who knew that meeting of their minds would spark a meeting of the lips?